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Default 08-07-2007, 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by Bucknub
An Inconvinient Truth

very good and educational.

I always put forth the effort to do what I can to protect our enviroment. I have those energy efficient light bulbs, I recycle almost everything I can. I try and reduce as much electricity consumption as I can.

Only thing I feel guilty about is using my car. If I could buy a Hybrid vehical, I would. But taking public transportation is also I great alternative. but having your own vehical is very convenient.

I love how when he was showing what would happen to the continents if Iceland had completely melted and flooded the seas, pretty much every continent except Canada would be effected lol, and also when he was showing the bar graph of the largest contributors of polution, Canada was again nowhere to be found. God I love living here. Not saying we dont contribute, but 3.8 compared to the rest, is very good.
some people argue that recycling is actually worse for the earth. think of the transportation costs, processing costs of all that stuff.

most things like plastics and glass are not recycled into bottles again. It's not possible. most of them go into other compounds such as asphalt and other things like that. Oftentimes, a lot of what is recycled is not usable and has to be filtered. Something like 40% of what is recycled is not recyclable and just goes to the land fill anyway.

The jury is still out on man made global warming, and I was horrified when I learned they were showing this movie to kids in class. are teachers that bloody lazy that they just put on a film in class now?
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