Thread: ebaums
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anti is Offline
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Default 08-17-2007, 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by Whatada
Originally Posted by anti
work? you call some dude taking fire shots and igniting himself work?
...considering the fact that that isn't the only bunch of videos that they took from other websites, instead of having some form of originally made "work", i find it difficult to have respect for them. the quality of the things that they stole means nothing, just the fact that they themselves couldn't manage some original content that was half as stupid and half as easy to make as some douchebag lighting himself on fire.
it's a gray area. the only real issue is the use of watermarks. yeah they watermarked shit, but it was more of an advertisement. i don't think the creator of ebaums ever said "i made this, this is mine" when it wasn't his. if you're going to hate ebaums for their system, then hate every other ebaums like site (collegehumour, etc.) because that's how they all operate. it's like what nyck said, you might as well call youtube and half the users on youtube a thief. ebaums just happened to be one of the first and thrived making it an easy target.

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