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Day of the Dumbasses
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Default Day of the Dumbasses - 08-17-2007, 01:50 PM

I swear George Romero should make a movie.

Some excerpts from Zonah's day in Customer Support:


Dumbass: "Your software is cutting off my narrated audio."
Me: "O rly. Send me your powerpoint file."
*original PowerPoint file has the audio cut off*
Me: "You fuck."


Dumbass: "My registration code doesn't work."
Me: "Are you entering everything in exactly as it was sent?"
Dumbass: "Yes."
Me: "I have 'User 1' as the name associated with your code."
Dumbass: "Yes. That's what I entered."
Me: "Ok, for the organization, I have 'Rimjob* College'." (* - edited to protect the dumb)
Dumbass: "Oh, I'm just entering Rimjob."
Me: "You're a fucking drain on society."


Dumbass: "I emailed a little while ago asking about video."
Me: "Right. I remember that. Did you try the .AVI video?"
Dumbass: "No. I'm using .mpg video." (note: I told her .mpg wouldn't work)
Me: "Are you fucking joking? Am I on Punk'd right now?"


Thank infant baby Jesus it's Friday...  247
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