08-20-2007, 07:37 AM
Go to class. Most students who do poorly don't go to class. It's not like high school where you've got a test once every 2 weeks, and therefore easy to study for. I've had classes where I've had an exam once every 2 1/2 months. That's a lot of material to prepare for. Going to class everyday will get you recognition from your professors, because not many people do it. Maybe not your first year, since you'll probably have large classes in an auditorium. If nothing else, you may find a girl to hook up with. My first girl in college I met in class.
I lived in a dorm my first year. I wouldn't change that decision; it was awesome. I did most if not all of my partying my first year, and then I settled down. There's too many stories to tell, so I won't. As far as showering, don't be a pussy. I presume you never played sports in high school. Wear flip flops to that bathroom though, regardless of what you're in there for. Guys jack off in those showers, because they're not going to do it in the dorm with their roommate in that 7 x 12 room with them.
Don't be an asshole in the dorm. Don't be loud or fuck up shit in the hallways. Your RA will want to suck you off if you're a good tenant, and then you can probably get away with more. It's best not to have a stash of alcohol in the room for any reason. If you want to drink, buy what you expect to drink, and drink it. People will pull that fire alarm, and when you have to evacuate, the firefighters will go in and inspect every room, opening cabinets, drawers, etc. I saw way too many people get kicked out of the dorm for possession of marijuana and such, and tons of people get large fines because they found their stash of Everclear, Malibu, Goldschlager, Jager, etc.
That brings me to another point: don't be a fag and drink Natty Light. It's piss water, not beer. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you have to drink it. When I see people who drink Natty Light I think one thing: unemployed slackoff with $20 in his pocket. You're better than that. Drink Guinness. Don't be afraid to experiment with different cocktails, either. Who knows, if you learn enough about it, you can be a bartender, and that's probably the best way to make good money in college.