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Default 08-20-2007, 02:06 PM

college rules.

the best advice i can give is to be nice to everyone at first, because you never know who you are going to hang out with later on. Also, get involved with some kind of organization. I got into the radio station and met soooo many friends there.

go to class, because you are paying for it. my first semester, i didnt go to my chem class sometimes because it was across campus and my first class of the day. i ended up with a pretty low C and that lowered my GPA.

oh, and try to avoid night classes. i had a class at 6:35 PM three times a week and at first it wasnt so bad, but i couldnt get dinner with friends.

good luck, but dont get too overwhelmed, college isnt as scary of a change as most people make it out to be. its just a lot of fun.

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