Originally Posted by Sniper101
dual core works the same as DDR, or is atleast the same concept. the work is split evenly between the divided processors, a 2.2GHz is really 2 1.1GHz if you want to look at it that way, the same as true DDR ram arrays are 2 sticks that add up to the 1 or 2 GB. Keep this in mind for future purchases. o and the quad is the same concept, the workload is just spread out.
Ah right, gotcha
Well the 2.2 cpu I just got will be getting overclocked to 3ghz as every single review I've seen writes that its very easy and very safe to clock it up to that speed, some have even pushed it to around 3.2 but 3 will do me. Temps at 3ghz was about 50 at full load, people said.
I may have to ask you sniper how I go about doing that if you have the patience or I'll have to google it like crazy happy: