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Default 08-21-2007, 09:08 PM

Spent far to long playing this today and ran into my first semi kinda complaint. Which may or may not be a spoiler, so...

I was not thrilled as it seemed i was exiting the first "zone" or whatever, to receive a pop up message saying i should go back and kill all the big daddies, and harvest or save the kids. Those things are cocks, and i respawn way to much since im on hard and supplies are limited.

I also discovered a cheap tactic that kinda ruins the gameplay for me.

If your facing something much like a big daddy and its kicking your ass up, down, left, and right, let it. Dont waste your health packs, DIE, respawn typically pretty near the fight and you wont have forfeited any health packs or eve.

So far though, good game, worth the $60. Got it for the 360, because im finding i like single player shooters more on it. COD 4 however will likly be PC for the MP.
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