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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 08-22-2007, 12:03 PM

[quote:2c871]The full realisation of my current situation hit me in the staff room where I had a few moments to reflect on how horrible things were. I was stuck in a dingy staff room with plastic garden tables; a room empty of expression & the weather outside was raining English rain, the type that leaves a gray smear on everything it touches.

Only a few days before I had been basking in the Mediterranean sun, a pool to myself & a score of topless ladies, & my friends, when they chose to join me.

It was the type of sun that could give you a deep tan in just one day, all you had to do was sit there & watch the world go by. The sunlight would shimmer off the ocean & bounce back up into the clear, blue, sky. Leaving a large, silver pattern on the waters surface.

The girls were pretty, ridiculously pretty, the finest Europe could produce. All had shiny, long, hair. All had a deep tan, all had fine & delicate features & all had excellent physique. The ladies had just as much to admire from some of the boys of Europe. Gymnasts? Dancers perhaps? Though I'm sure no diet or amount of exercise could make that, they just were…

My friends would join me often, & often we would drink. There was a party every night. But then I opened my eyes & I was back I the same dingy room. Late August was going to be one really long struggle.

oOo: rolleyes:
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