08-23-2007, 06:55 AM
Here is my little quick and dirty write up
Very impressed and I don't care for single player sides of games . I will say, out of the 3 major issues we had at the MP summit (where I did play a level or two of SP), 2 out of the 3 issues have been corrected - Mouse lag and FPS have been fixed. Dedicated server is still to be seen, once the game ships.
My current rig taken from my Nvnews.net sig:
Main Box:Intel X6800|EVGA 680i SLI|2GB(1GBx2)corsair XMS2 1066|Evga 8800GTX Ultra SC - 162.18|150Gig Raptor SATA|4x WD 250Gb SATA|2x Lite-on 1673S DVDRW-all|X-Fi Fatal1ty 2.07.0004|Logitec G7-setpoint 3.1.116|Ergodex DX1-firmware 1.1-driver1.3|-Dell UltraSharp 2405FPW 24-inch LCD|PCPower and Cooling TurboCool 1000 SLI|Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, DirectX 9.0c(4.09.0000.0904)|Klipsch THX 5.1|
** edit I should mention I'm using the Bioshock beta drivers under windows XP. I can't be bothered running the game in Vista.
Res 1920x1200
Everything maxed out
Solid 60 frames, which I believe is locked via the engine.
My only compliant or so to say was:
- Demo is too quick - finished it in about 10 minutes
- Some of the death animations where a little wacky. I would shoot an enemy and he would react in the opposite direction.
- some minor tearing and I had vsync enabled
- mouse invert does not stick, have to re enable it every time you play.
This is the first time (including the MP summit) where I'm proud of a Medal of Honor game. EA has done a great job with the single player aspect of the game. Here is crossing my fingers we will see this much polish on the MP side of the game.
Screen shots and more info coming later today.