08-27-2007, 07:24 PM
I wana go to college in Americaland! Unfortunately I have to start career stuff now, first day of my new job is on the 4th September! rock:
& to completely screw things up the cops sent me a letter saying they wana see me about that bs incident months ago about some guy smashing up a webcam in a club & them thinking I did it... They want to see me on the 6th at 12pm which will screw things up kus I'll be in London. I wonder if I can ask them to change the date again? I already asked them to change it once kus I was going to Ibiza. cuss:
One day I shall work for a bit in America to make up for the partying I seem to be missing there. I have a work visa in the USA till 2016 biggrin: