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ZR|Gen_JP is Offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Cape Coral, FL, USA
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Default 09-28-2002, 05:47 PM

I think there is something wrong with you. eek: Well, not really. I play from 6:30AM-7:30AM, then from 5PM-8PM, 4 hours a dayu, if I play those days. I think MoH:AA is a great game, it has inspired me to literally, go out (to and purchase Underground. I have yet to recieve it, I will get it Oct. 2-8, so, tomorrow I'm going out to buy the threesome pack with 007 Racing, The World is Not Enough, and original MoH. Once the expansion comes out, if I have enough money then, and it is avaliable; I will but that. Sometime I'll probably get Frontline. But, for $40 for both of them, I would get both PS1 MoH games, but, I need MP, so Frontline can wait. But, I think the majority of us are addicted to it. Maybe some a little over-addicted. But, you see people that stay in the same game for over an hour, I can't do that. I usually leave after the first rotation. I just want to go toe a different server, unless I'm doing really good.
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