08-30-2007, 01:09 PM
Yar I agree... the £$ is messed up, my parents are going to New England for a vacation & leaving me at home but they have to change everything to $. I'm considering getting a mortgage on a house but the prices are a bit mad around here. A studio flat I was looking at is £94,000. That's about $200,000. So I went on ebay & looked around, I could buy a nice house in Arizona for that. cuss:
BTW 3 quid is pretty steep for a pint, that's the prices in London. Up North it should certainly be cheaper. Try looking out for a weatherspoons pub where the prices are around £2.30 or so. I've been to the Lake District before & yar it is full of sheep, nice countryside though... If you're interested in history I still recommend York, NE of Derby, may take a while to get there but probably worth the trip.