Thread: Weekend Nazis
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Weekend Nazis
imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default Weekend Nazis - 09-02-2007, 09:38 PM

The BBC have recently done a show from the PANORAMA series on ww2 re-enactment & they were at the event I was at about a month ago. Unfortunately it's mostly about some kind of bs hidden Nazi stuff within the German re-enactors. It doesn't take a genius to realise that most of the SS re-enactors are probably going to be a bit nuts anyway... I re-enact American armoured & couldn't give a rats ass about anything else other than blowing stuff up & having fun. About 90% of the people there are going to be tards with too much spare time on their hands, pretending they are Monty or something. Fortunately most of the sane people are vehicle collectors kus it's damn fun driving a tank. Anyhoo look bout for me in the turret of C-22, 'Canned Heat'. rock:

The first 10 minutes are probably the only part of the show worth watching as it has some battle scenes. ... s-1_events

About 1min 40 Seconds into the doc, right after the guy says :The Battle of Normandy some Germans fire a mortar then you see armoured car C22 'Canned Heat' beer:
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