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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Default 09-06-2007, 09:15 AM

How is the price out of control? It's a flash player with a touch screen. If you dont want the flash player or a touch screen, pay 50 dollars less for the HDD based version which gives you 80/160Gigs respectively.

I personally wouldn't mind an iPod with the ability to double as a gimped PDA in case I want to dick around in class or to kill time in an airport or whereever else I can wirelessly connect.

The iPod Touch is for those folks who have been clamoring for a full on touchscreen iPod for years, and for those who wanted a flash based player instead of a HDD based one.

If you like HDD - fine, you still have the option to buy that and JOB's hasn't phased it out.

Really the only people who should be pissed are those who bought an iPhone 15 days ago. I'm personally probably gonna snag a 4Gig iPhone to replace my current phone once iPhoneSIMfree has a working list of its bulk resellers.

Oh and yea, the internet ability of the touch isn't great. You can't wirelessly access iTunes so that whole usefullness is pretty much nonexistant.
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