Thread: MOHA Review
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Default 09-09-2007, 03:57 PM

Finished it today. I was pretty impressed by SP. It was fun. Not sure about the reviews saying the first 4 levels are boring and the last 2 are great. The 5th one I found stupid as hell. I kind of like the more open fighting environment instead of stepping out and getting pegged by 3 snipers etc. rest of the game was great. very enjoyable.

wtf is with the nazi elite mg42 superhuman hitler experiment machines of death? Grenade blasts don't kill them and it takes 20 shots to take them down. Ran out of ammo on my two main weapons on the last level and was left with the colt and I had to reload 4 or 5 times before i took the guy down and this was prety much at point blank range.

haven't played MP yet.
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