Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by ninty
wtf is with the nazi elite mg42 superhuman hitler experiment machines of death? Grenade blasts don't kill them and it takes 20 shots to take them down. Ran out of ammo on my two main weapons on the last level and was left with the colt and I had to reload 4 or 5 times before i took the guy down and this was prety much at point blank range.
Few headshots from an 03 take them out, or 2 gammon bombs. Ive no real bother taking them down with any weapon really, BAR is pretty effective.
I actually like them as an enemy, to me theyre more deadly than the tanks as the rate of fire is far superior. Its a real "oh shit" moment when one of them comes trotting around the corner. rock:
very true, makes for a good oh shit moment for sure. i just found it a little silly. but i guess i can't really expect a simulation, as this isn't one.