Thread: MOHA Review
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Default 09-14-2007, 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by geRV
The mg guy was obviously meant to be wearing some kind of body armour, the 42 can also be fired from the hip so its not a massive stretch of the imagination to say that moving slowly while weighed down with armour it might be possible to fire on the move.
True dat. But one bullet to the face should have taken him out. Plus the whole gas mask thing was a little silly. None of the other soldiers were concerned about gas. Maybe these Elite Storm Troopers had been at a kinky bondage orgy when the paratroopers started falling from the skies.

"Hans! Zee Americaners are attacking! What do we do?!"

"No time to change out of zis most excellent fetish wear. We must fight in our leather!"

"Oh Hans, you get me so hot when you take charge. I love it! But you get me so hard it makes me walk funny in these tight pants!"

"I think it eez zee butt plug zat makes you walk funny."
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