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Default 09-14-2007, 04:02 PM

thanks. will do asap. while we is the list of the things that have happened/ive caused to my car since i've purchased (financing) it in december of 06:

-1 week after i bought the car and driving to birmingham, al on the expressway doing approx 70mph when all of a sudden i see sparks and a tire coming straight for my ride. Too fast to turn so *whap!!* Right front bumper now holds a dent
-cgr valve or something needed replacing
-someone backed up into me and left a white paint stripe on my lights in the back
-pipe gets stuck into tire going to work (approx 1/2 mile away from my home). Guy in tire shop says " i've NEVER seen something like this before"
-car gets broke into outside of workplace. bust window and steals nadah
-ticket 1 of 3. crossed an intersection 3 secs while red
-ticket 2 of 3. Speeding on my way to work going 64>45.
-ticket 3 of 3. Speeding doing 58>45. Wrote down as 48 in a 35
-hit a curb doing 35 looking for a local civic center that just opened. Irony? the curb that i hit was right outside of the civic center
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