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Slight computer performance upgrade, memory or vid card?
jujumantb is Offline
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Default Slight computer performance upgrade, memory or vid card? - 09-18-2007, 09:55 AM

So right now I have pretty poor specs and am looking for just a hair more performance. I'm only working with 512mb ram and an old 64mb radeon 9200se video card. As bad as that sounds, i could still play bf2142 on low to medium settings with good framrate, but any newer games are not looking so good. I'm not a "gamer" per say, the only thing im playing regularly is MVP2005 and FIFA06 which will get a hiccup every now and then. Basically, would you assume those hiccups are a bottleneck in my 512mb ram or my outdated video card? If video card, would ONLY uprgrading ram give me ANY increased gaming performance? I sure could use it for just running XP and apps regardless.. also, keep in mind I would not be spending more that $75 neweggo n a new video card, enough for a decent 256mb 128 bit couple years old card.


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