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Default 09-19-2007, 05:59 PM

He wasn't complying with any of the officer's requests. He was resisting and flailing around all over the place.

I'm willing to bet the cops weren't going to do anything to him besides escort him outside and tell him to cut the shit - he hadn't broken any laws yet anyway.

Its one thing if a cop beats the shit out of a guy with a baton for no reason. But this little shit was trying to act all big and loud thinking his shit doesn't stink and absolutely refusing to cooperate.

The cops weren't fit to make what judgment? To taser him? ...last time i checked that was absolutely part of the officers right as a police officer. To determine the level of necessary force to detain someone, doing as minimal harm as possible to all parties involved. Its called discretion. How the hell were these officers supposed to apprehend him 'formally'? Send him a polite letter in the mail on some nice fancy paper?

Could this have been solved without the use of the taser? Its possible.
But the officer had every right to do what he did.