09-19-2007, 06:38 PM
[quote:81cd1]They could have easily escorted him out.[/quote:81cd1]
You didn't see the part where they tried to do that, for nearly two minutes while he continued to make a spectacle and resist their efforts to remove him?
I would put forth that giving him a lil juice is MUCH preferable to accidentally breaking his arm.
Again, the shot COULDNT have been as powerful as his scream let us on to believe as he was up and joking (once the cameras were off) relatively quickly.
{quote]Even if one cop cant handle removing a non-violent suspect without use of this kind of extreme force, then they shouldnt be a fucking cop.[/quote]
I think its about one cop not being able to handle the situation WITHOUT using physical force. Look at the big dicked nigga that comes up behind the kid. You don't think that guy COULDNT have ended this in a minute? Of course he could have. There were however cameras on these cops, and I'm sure they remember what happened in UCLA and this shitstorm that followed. This was going to be done as kid glove as possible. When he STILL refused to cooperate (at what point does someone resisting arrest become actionable to some of you), they give him an electro-kiss to get him to straighten out and OBEY COMMANDS.
Some of you I don't get - at what point when someone is causing a public disturbance, do you say "Ok, it's time to go to Plan B"?