Originally Posted by Tripper
It is my OPINION (So therefore how could it be "FALSE," as you claim?) that the police (and no-one else) are NOT fit to judge whether or not a person DESERVES to be physically assaulted as some form of wild west punishment, which is what people in this thread are insinuating by making remarks such as "THE KID WAS BEING A LOUD DOUCHE THINKIN HIS SHIT DONT STINK HE DESERVED TO BE ZAPPED."
maybe you arent very clear on the english language, but "deserve" does not necessarily imply a moral judgement.
Originally Posted by Tripper
My point is that it isn't in their job description to hand out punishment, whether or not the kid was being a dick and deserved it - Their job is to apprehend suspects for the greater intention of upholding the law, a COURT OF LAW determines punishment.
i never mentioned "punishment", what they did was not punishment, it was a tool to allow them to get the guy to stop squirming so they could cuff him.
Originally Posted by Tripper
You people are so stuck up in your beliefs that you think its a totally black and white issue.
Originally Posted by jujumantb
but nothing in the field is black and white
oOo: hmmm