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Default 09-20-2007, 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Jotun
i think its bullshit. he asked legitimate questions, and they need to be answered, whether its on the news or in a small lecture hall. im so sick of people being like "well it wasnt appropriate" or "he was being rude" or something. he wants change, and he's doing what he feels necessary. i respect him for that. i personally dont think this shithole of a country wont change unless people start dying on a massive scale. its a shame its gotten to that point.
he clearly was out to make a scene and get camera time, by making the scene he did is exactly what he wanted... if kerry would have answered his questions and that was it, then we wouldnt be talking about it. its a democracy, if you want change, get involved in supporting a candidate and get the word out, get people voting.