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Default 09-21-2007, 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by Tripper

My point is that it isn't in their job description to hand out punishment, whether or not the kid was being a dick and deserved it - Their job is to apprehend suspects for the greater intention of upholding the law, a COURT OF LAW determines punishment.
But there is a point where their job of apprehension can require force, hell, no one wants to go to jail, that's why the cops have to use force. Tasers are not a form of punishment, and neither are guns, they are just necessary tools for policemen to do their jobs.
Im talking about and to the people that are backing the police just because of how the guy looked on the video, just because he seemed like an annoying person. Im not saying these cops were trying to outright lay out punishment on this guy. Im insinuating that they didnt handle the situation as best they could, as bold as that is for a non-cop to say - I just think those tasers arent as peaceful as people like TGB attempt to make them seem.
So you still believe that the officers should have continued wrestling the kid until he submitted? Why should the officers risk getting injured and risk injuring the kid AND allow the disturbance to go on longer? Imagine if they hadn't tased him and he kept resisting and ended up breaking a cops nose with a flailing fist. Then he could be charged with assault on a police officer and that would be way worse than what he was charged with. The point is that none of those involved could know what was gonna happen. The taser provided a quick, safe end to the situation, and gave the officers control--that is what it is designed to do.

That's how I see it.

BTW, electrocution is technically death by electricity but I think nits are being picked in this thread.