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Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 09-22-2007, 12:13 AM

Im talking about and to the people that are backing the police just because of how the guy looked on the video, just because he seemed like an annoying person.[/quote:bee61]

Actually there are people backing the police because MEYER was given several warning to cooperate - why this isn't getting through is beyond me.

[quote:bee61]I just think those tasers arent as peaceful as people like TGB attempt to make them seem. [/quote:bee61]

Oh yea - I give my girl a shot with the taser every now and again because I think its so cute and cuddly - oh wait. No it's not. It's meant to pull compliance out of unruly subject. And well whaddya know - MEYER was unruly and REFUSED to cooperate when he was ORDERED out of the lecture hall - not by cops, but by event organizers. Again - we must be watching different tapes, because on yours MEYER is just being a silly-billy goofball.

[quote:bee61]TGB - Seven deaths which are directly linked to the taser's bite is nothing to be proud of. Especially when you consider that a huge chunk of the 150 people (which is actually something like 240 people) that died, passed on due to health conditions that the taser exacerbated. This means that while the taser didnt directly cause the death, it played a secondary role, which in my opinion is enough justification to label it a potentially fatal weapon that shouldnt replace old school physical police work - At LEAST until further conclusions can be made on its safety.[/quote:bee61]

Which is based on what exactly - Amenesty's unbiased fact finding? Yea right. And theres nothing in that report that says the taser elevated existing conditions. NOTHING. You're doing exactly what AI wants you to do - jump to conclusions. Easy to do when you've already made your mind up about something.

[quote:bee61]Who said anything about satisfying male egos?[/quote:bee61]

I did. Read the fucking reply. But unwad your panties first.

[quote:bee61]Hmmm, let me think about this. I thought being electrocuted was the fucking DEFINITION of being given a jolt of electricity............Wait.....a........sec...... .So, to you, these are two different things? [/quote:bee61]

Are you being daft on purpose or is this some new Tripper thing? Again - if you see no difference in language between being zapped with a taser and being FUCKING ELECTROCUTED (one zapping muscle function, and the other BURNING FUCKING TISSUE) - then w/e brotha. Conversation over. Go smoke the peace pipe and w/e other hip aware thing the kids do these days.