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Went for a drive and a walk [PIC HEAVY]
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Default Went for a drive and a walk [PIC HEAVY] - 09-22-2007, 07:50 PM

I was suppose to go out west but the new job i got canceled that due to the start time. so i went for a drive to Niagara Falls.

This was taken out in Fort Erie








edge of the falls


maid of the mist




i wanted to go down there but i didnt want to get wet cry:


American observation deck, but i think it was going to be a bridge but the Americans got lazy and said fuck it.

American Falls

Sweet ass! i would let her take a dump on my chest!


Canada Flag



Boobs, i like the titties


Gold Elvis

A retarded wax museum, it was a huge wait of money. they didnt even look like the celebs.

OK the placement of this dude was fucked up cause its dark in there and i thought some dude was taking a pic of some of the wax shit. it turns out that dude is wax and i stood at that batman thing on the floor for like five minutes waiting for the dude to take the pic and leave. i felt like such an idiot.

ace ventura (sp?)

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