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Default 09-25-2007, 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
Originally Posted by Milla
lol typical. Im not even going to bother getting the game until i can just walk into a store casually and get it off the shelf without fighting people.
i had to wait inline for about half an hour. but it was worth it for the free shit. some people are crazy, a couple of people had the bestbuy employees open the case to make sure the game wasnt scratched. you know how there where pic's of the limited case scratching the disc.
Yeah a lot of people have been stung with scratched discs. If they had made the little nub a little taller there would have been no problems. =/

Been reading some impressions its amazing how peoples views on this game differ, some people say its an amazing looking game, others that it looks like halo 2 with a slight upgrade upgrade. People are actually complaining about the covenant weapons being too the last 2 games they were pretty weak, now that theyre effective they want them made weak again? stupid:

Suppose its just a case of not being able to please everyone though.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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