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Steam ID for Team Fortress 2
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Default Steam ID for Team Fortress 2 - 09-30-2007, 07:54 AM

1st sorry have not been around much this month as I've been on the road most of Sept with work and any time I have been online has been focused on EA and their .... oh, I'll just leave that as it is.

2nd, upon my return I was able to preload team fortress 2 and been having a blast playing (well as much as I can while catching up on all the family stuff)

Post your steam ID's or join the fpsadmin group I created so we can find each other when online and fragging.

steam ID = rudedog1968
steam group =

This thread is for posting your ID's only please, use the other TS2 thread to talk about this very cool game.

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
Follow me via Twitter @THErealRUDEDOG
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