Originally Posted by Miscguy
Not holding my breath, as always. I warned you about Airborne when everyone had a boner for it. I've warned about pretty much every game thats come out actually. Except ETQW, which i thought would be good... up until the beta, then i said it would fail. I see Cod 4 being no differant, i expect it to be as scripted and "walk this line to kill this guy" as any of the others in the series. It will have 0, count it ZERO, replay value for the SP. Mp will be fun, for about a week.
You warned who about airborne? I wasn't expecting an amazing mp because nomatter what too many comparisons would be drawn to allied assault, airborne's still a good game for the single player.
Also if you cast doom and gloom on "pretty much every game thats come out" you're bound to be right occasionally. Which is about as accurate as saying "someone
might win the lottery this week", and saying you were right if someone did win it.