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geRV is Offline
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Default 10-06-2007, 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by redneck36567 View Post

he was most likely caught off guard by the camera, i'd say. As much as I hate to realize it, its very sad that most of our nations' citizens think the same way you do, which probably explains why we have the morons we do in our country.

How many people in America do you think have any kind of clue that makes the flying of flags in a specific order illegal? Probably a couple of percent at most. To me it seems more childish than anything else "zomg we needs teh top spot!!!!!111".

I could understand old bumfluff there being pissed if the flag was upside down or something (international sign of distress) but just because it wasn't on top of the flag pole..well thats hardly enough to start spouting a little rant about.

Last edited by geRV; 10-06-2007 at 04:04 PM..
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