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Default 10-07-2007, 09:20 AM

c312 is correct.

Flying any flag above the American flag is a sign of disrespect. It's a fact that can't be disputed. Next time you see a decorated officer (whether it be a Soldier, Cop, or whatever) Take a look at their breast bars. You'll see on everyone, the American flag breast bar is always at the top most spot. If the decorated person was of Italian descent, you'd see the Italian breast bar below the American breast bar.

There's an Irish guy on my block who flies the Irish flag.......just below the American flag as it should.

There's really no need to argue anymore about flag etiquette. It's either one way or the other so, you guys can stop with that argument.
If you want to debate the guys actions, then go ahead. Don't toss it aside as "wtf, it's no big deal" because it really is a big deal. Stand in Arlington National Cemetery, look around and ponder that for awhile.
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