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Default 10-07-2007, 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by c312 View Post
Oh Reginald, I DISAGREE!

Half of his negative review is because he didn't know or understand any previous plotline and because he didnt play it on a difficult setting. It's true that lots of people decided this game would be good before it even came out, but there are also lots of people who were just waiting to point out anything wrong with it and call it a crap game. Some people are just cynical when it comes to judging popular games/movies/music, etc and they TRY not to like it just because it's popular.

My opinion: The single player is pretty good as long as you aren't an idiot and can understand the storyline and you don't play on the easiest difficulty setting and the multiplayer is awesome.
Yeah but every word that he said was true. When I was playing I kept getting blinded by the bloom, and the AI really was shitty. I will agree that the multi is awesome but that is due in part to there being a few hundred thousand playing at all hours of the day.

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