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Default 10-07-2007, 03:13 PM

I'll start this off by saying that most of us on this forum are above average, if not extreme gamers. With that said, this game was just, like the Aussie dude said, average. MP compared to the first two was just they tossed in a gun or two and put in some cars. Nothing fantastic. The MP is also just like your typical Unreal,Doom,Painkiller MP. Jump around, shoot, jump around shoot, use some crazy ass out of this world win thing (like a thing that bubbles you or absorbs your shields, which are crazy in the first place). After playing the MP a whole weekend, the only fun thing I found from it was that me and my friends got drunk and played. Plus some hot girl came over and played too. Don't deny girl gamers are hot. Anywho, the majority of killing I did was spend a clip of the battle rifle then get close enough to beat him down or jump away throwing a grenade. Not very thrilling. To say that it's a great game would probally be like saying Cher is a good singer. So untrue it hurts. The game is average. The only reason that's it the king's tits is because it's on 360 and as we all know, console gamers out number players like Chinese people to Eskimos.
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