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geRV is Offline
General of the Army
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Location: Ireland
Default 10-07-2007, 10:11 PM

A flags a fucking flag no matter what way you slice it, there are rules that govern flags that are in law but dont get enforced, for example having lettering on flags you have to get a form of pemission to do willing to bet all those flags with football teams names on i see week in week out on tv have none of those permissions.

Fact of the matter is the video was blown totally out of proportion, one old guy gets angsty and everyones jumping on the bandwagon. Would you say its a safe bet to assume cops had driven past that store numerous times and never said diddily shit about the flag..cops you know the people that ENFORCE the law? Nah clearly that idea is waaaay too out there to be feasible.

And it has FUCK all to do with what country you come from, the vast majority of people are very ignornant about laws and what constitutes a law being broken or not. Theres so many technicalities in law its not suprising that most people draw a blank on the subject.

Last edited by geRV; 10-07-2007 at 10:16 PM..
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