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Default 10-28-2007, 05:40 PM

Ok, you're not going to believe this.

....remember all the ammo my buddy gave me? Well, while i was there getting the stuff, he points to an old wooden rifle rack that was his Dads (his father passed away a few years ago) He tells me to take it and do whatever i want with it. It's a small wooden rifle rack with a small wooden drawer on the bottom of it. The drawer has a keyed cylinder and it's locked. My buddy said he lost the key to it and i'll need to get it open because there's stuff inside. I was hoping the slide from the 1911 i purchased from him was inside because i want to bring the 9mm conversion 1911 back to it's original form. So, i take the rifle rack and put it in the garage.

So today i was bored and decided to drill out that cylinder so i can see if my slide is inside. So, i carefully drill it out because i don't want to damage the wood. I'm going to clean up the rack and sell it. Anyway, i finally get the drawer open and what do i find inside??

No, not the slide but.........

............i find these instead !!

The revolver is a Hi-Standard double nine .22.
The top right pistol isn't a Walther PPK, it's a "J.P. Sauer & Sohn, Suhl" with Nazi markings chambered in 7.65 (.32acp)
The bottom right pistol is a 1914 German Mauser chambered in 7.65 (.32). It was made between 1923-1929

Well, now i have to give my friend a call and tell him about the guns. I got a feeling i'll be adding them to my

Talk about a suprise eh?

The world is my urinal
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