11-01-2007, 06:38 AM
True story about playing One. I have a friend who's kind of a quiet guy, really sticks to himself. In HS all he really did was sit in his room and play guitar. He was, and still is, really quite fucking good. Anyways , during the talent show in HS me and him got stuck doing backstage shit for extra credit. During this adventure, some dude bro kid was trying to play some shitty ass Blink182 song and was sucking more ass then a 3 dollar whore. My friend kind of snickered and the dude bro got really pissed and told him to do better. My friend calmly walked over, took the guitar and flipped it around (he's left handed). He sat there and played the whole song of One upside down , including the solo. Was probally the most tits thing I've seen to this day still.