Best, Essay Assignment, Ever -
11-02-2007, 12:01 PM
So in my creative writing class we have to write an essay. Except this is the greatest fucking essay ever concieved by man. The topic is "If Zombies attacked campus, how would you survive?" We are supposed to write a how to paper and this is one of the options.
Heres where I need you guys' help. How would you survive a zomibe attack if you were in my situation. I live on the 5th floor of a high rise dorm. There is a rather large caffateria down stairs, and a ton of rooms to hide in and so forth. Just off campus is a Wal Mart, and various other strip malls.
My best bet would probably be to get off campus in the largest vehicle possible, and take shelter on the wal mart roof, or security office.
What would you guys do? Remember it has to stay in the bounds of normal reality + usual zombie classes.