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Default 11-02-2007, 01:16 PM

Rude, here in the "People's Republic of New York" we're still under the ban. Civilians can't own a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds (unless it's "Pre-ban" 8/94) Our AR-15's/AK-47's etc may not have any of these "evil" features if it has a "detachable magazine":
Collapsible stock
Flash hider/suppressor
Bayonet lug
You may only have these "evil" features if your rifle was manufactured BEFORE the federal ban.
All of my magazines are "dated pre-bans", so i have a lot of "legal" 30 rounders for the rifles.
The laws are ass-backwards but it's something i'll have to put up with until i make my move to NC.

I have a RRA "bare" lower and i'm about to do my 20" build. What upper are you leaning towards? I haven't decided on mine yet. I still have to install the trigger & springs in the lower and add the stock i removed from my Bushy. I do know i'm going with a flat top so i can add optics. This rifle will be set up for optics only. I'm going to an 8 hour carbine class on the 18th and i haven't decided on what rifle i'll be bringing to the class. All i know matter what platform (AR/AK) i decide on, i want to bring a 2nd rifle as backup in case one shits the bed. I know the chances are slim's a fucking 8 hr course and i don't want to be standing there with my thumb up my ass if my rifle shits out in the 1st hour. I have (2) friends who are willing to lend me a backup rifle for the day. All i need to do now is decide which one goes through the course.

The world is my urinal
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