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Need a little help with MOHAA / Multiplayer
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Default Need a little help with MOHAA / Multiplayer - 09-30-2002, 06:01 AM

Hey everybody,

While I hate to be a noob, sometimes we all can't help it at some point or another. I built my new system a good 2 weeks ago, and I have been playing MOHAA full quality and its kicking a lot of ass. I used to have to tweak everything so much just to play it for 15 minutes, and then restart the game / computer to reset the memory and make it fast for another 15 - 20 minutes.

I also realized that now with a better computer I am able to play the game online. While it is still a 56k, I can at least load the game no sweat. My first question was about removing the intro scene in the beginning, and my second question was why doesn't the console work, but both of those were answered in the FAQ post.

A question I do have is that is there any other way to play this game w/o the use of Gamespy? I really despise gamespy. It takes forever and a day just to load the server list, and if I'm unhappy with a server, I have to do it all over again. I find it to be really slow as well. I am also convinced that while I am in the game, since Gamespy doesn't close itself, it's doing something that is taking precious latency from me in the server, but I'm unable to figure anything out. Can anybody help me in finding a way to run it better w/ or w/o Gamespy?

Thank you very much!
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