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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 11-05-2007, 12:33 PM

I pretty much have everything you listed except the sexy shark suit thingy. My best bet would be to grab my paddling clothes as they are tight fitting and warm, buzz my hair, then grab my camping backpack (which I keep packed with everything minus food and water) and hijack the largest fucking truck to wal - mart. Once there I will get a shotgun/ammo, and whatever non perishable foods I would need to make it to my safe haven. My safe haven will be a state prison about an hour away. It is in a rural area, and very secured. Chances are it will be deserted if there was a class 3 outbreak. Once inside I will repair any of the fences, set up baricades on any doors that have been broken, and secure my safe room. I will find or build some sort of radio so I can get in contact with any military personel in the state. The prison has enough food and clean water to keep myself and a few others going for about 3 months. After that I will either have to begin hunting, or look for a new hideout with fresh supplies.

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