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Default 11-11-2007, 04:55 PM

yeah geRV is right.

click with your rightmouse button on the airborne shortcut, look for properties -> then look for this: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\MOHA.exe"

then you put 1 space behind it and add: -enableconsole
so it will look like this:
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\MOHA.exe" -enableconsole

the c can be any drive you installed it on

then start moha to open console press ~ then to show your fps type stat fps 1

Honestly this is EA showing how fucking lax they are about player needs. It should be an easy feature to turn on. Even AA was easier than this.

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