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geRV is Offline
General of the Army
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Default 11-12-2007, 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by General Cobra View Post
Vista Sucks. Very bad OS. Haven't heard anything good from anyone.
saying vista sucks is hardly worth typing as it doesnt state why it sucks. The most common complaint us it uses more resources, well that's hardly suprising as an os evolves its natural for it to require more ram or hdd space. Thats a simple fact of bringing a new os to the market 5 years after xp, its obvious the requirements would go up. And as I said before when xp was releases people were saying that sucked because of more ram and CPU usage. People just don't like change and the most vocal are normally the ones who don't want to change hence the deluge of negative comments towards it. Simple fact is vista is very stable and easy to use, the initial teething issues have been sorted and the os runs well.

What exactly sucks about it? Have you tried it yourself or are you just listening to people who know nothing but feel theyre informd enough to say "omg it sux" with no reasons why? I will admit at the start drivers were a bit flakey from some companies, Creative labs for one but thats hardly the fault of microsoft, they knew this OS was coming and they had access to versions of it throughout development, if drivers had problems its not microsofts problem, more so the companies who didn't get the thumb out.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.

Last edited by geRV; 11-12-2007 at 01:25 AM..
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