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Default 11-12-2007, 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by Zoner View Post
If you're starting off, don't break the bank with a bass until you know you'll like it. You can get a decent bass for under $300 to start off. Go to a music store and tell the dude that you're just starting off and would like to play a few basses that have good action, are proportional to my body size and sound good.

Washburn make some really decent basses for beginners, as do Fender, Gibson Epiphone, and Yamaha. There are a gazillion models out there.

All I can say is try some out and pick the one that "feels" right. It's a very subjective process. You can always do some research online as well.
thanks, im gonna go sell my telecaster (don't ask, long story) and pick up a bass when I'm on thanksgiving break.

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