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Default 11-13-2007, 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan View Post
Ok, so this turned into a "what do you do that's gay" thread?

Well, lemme think about this...........

Ok, Dance music is part of my listening musical genre
I now drink Rum & Coke
I drink hot tea with lemon
..........i think that's it.
Sounds like the traits of an ex navy brit who parties too much...

Hey waitaminute!?

BTW I don't read poetry, I read 18thC historical books, letters & texts instead as I find the language quite impressive.

I'll give you an example of one letter:

"I have hitherto neglected a piece of justice due to the service of Captain Nelson. I must humbly intreat that His Majesty will be gratiously pleased thro' your Lordship to manifest a satisfaction of his conduct. Captain Nelson's constitution is rather too delicate, but such minds, my Lord, are most devoutly to be wished for governments sake.

I remain your most humble & obedient servant, &tc."

I find it comes in quite useful when I unashamedly plagiarise parts of them in order to make myself appear more intelligent.

I find Churchills speeches very good too, interesting way to win an argument.

I have the honour to remain &tc,

Mr Fluff~

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