Thread: Halo 3 movie?
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Default 11-18-2007, 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck View Post
I don't like it because its hyped so much...ITS A FUCKING FPS it looks no different than any other fps game ive seen except its in the future...I dont think its much skill to drive around like a tard on a dune buggy while someone on the back shoots at anything that moves. you could do the same in BF2 AND Joint Operations
There's a part of the game that you just don't see, that's a reason why so many people don't see the skill involved, it's just on a higher level than you got into. Social matches are fun for running around like a retard but the competitve ranked matches between lvl 40+ are more intense than any game I've seen for any system. It's just a different level of play that you wouldn't see if you're playing on a map with a warthog or banshee or more than 8 people. 2v2 and 4v4.. you clearly just haven't seen it.
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