09-30-2002, 11:52 AM
Another ridiculous thread. If anyone actually took the time to LISTEN to the mans music you'd see where all this shit is coming from.
First what we do know - he had a fucked up childhood. That puts him right there with about 75 percent of America. We know his father walked out on him and his mother, that his best friend committed suicide at an early age, that his mother convinced him that he was sick all the time (Munchausens Disease), and that she generally was not a very good mother. I think these are very good reasons to be young and PISSED OFF at alot of things.
We also know that he dropped out of high school, and isnt very book smart. To pass the time he develops an interest in rap/hiphop and becomes good at it. Why is he good at it, cause he raps about shit that we all would like to say but wont for whatever reason. He pushes buttons, and he sales fucking records. "WHITE AMERICA" is absolutely the most dead-on song I've heard in a LONG time. Most of his songs are redundant, and really have no purpose other than to hear the type of rhymes and lyrics Eminem can put together. His albums should be taken as one long improv session cause that's what they are.
As far as RAP not being a legitimate art form - you've got to be kidding me. RAP has it's roots in SCAT (not THAT scar OLD), and Jazz. Much like every other god damn form of popular music, it's evolved its style. For anyone to be arrogant enough to try and quantify art, is ludicrous to say the least.
As much as you might hate Britney, Nelly, Backstreet - whatever - they all have an art form and style that belongs. Alot of it IS marketing, but how many records can you sell on hype alone?????
Long story short, when I see ignorant fucks whine about how rap belongs in the Ghettos, it really just shows me how much latent bigotry still exists in "good people" and how much further you all need to go.