Originally Posted by 1080jibber
This is why I stopped playing Halo 3
1.) After an online game, you get put into a different server with all new people
2.) I hate not being able to choose the server to go in (COD4 does the same but it doesnt bother me because of one thing, everyone stays in the game for the next round.)
3.) Having to press a button to talk. I have enough buttons to press already so you give me another to talk to people. (don't give me that it saves bandwidth crap)
4.) It was hyped like crazy, and I bought into it 
5.) It really didn't look that good, everything looked oldschool
6.) Better games came out (Orange Box, COD4)
1) Not really true. You can choose to party up with the players from the match. Like any other game, its up to the other players if they want to stay in the same 'party' or whatever with you.
3) I dont remember having to use any buttons to talk... I could be wrong.
4) True. Wasn't as great/revolutionary/omgzcumtaztic as I the hype made it out to be.
5) True.
ANd as for the maps... Each game took a little while to get used to mapwise, I think.