09-30-2002, 12:47 PM
Yeah, if there was no "black" music we'd still be doing the foxtrot and you can forget about the countless legends from rock and roll, jazz, blues, rap and so fourth, is eminem a good rapper? i think so, he sticks to the roots of what rap is supposed to be, writing and composing a song that is about the hardships of life, yes eminem gets boring after awhile. Especially his new album.... i feel it as more of the same, nothing really ground breaking maybe a good laugh here and there... cuase he does poke fun at himself and other people.
I don't know if he would've sold less albums if he was black since i don't really have an opinion on that matter because there are only like 2 black families up here and they seem like very nice people and they don't go around in '64 impalas making symbols with their hands and calling eachother "nigga". What i learned about civil rights and this black and white bullshit in the United states i got from school and the media so you can bet alot of it will be bullshit. anywho... that's my