Thread: No free parking
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Default 11-28-2007, 05:30 PM

LOL....and no, i don't feel bad for you because i have you beat.

Listen to this fucked up story. On July 16, 2006, i got a parking ticket for parking on the side of a 2 lane hwy along with 30 other cars. There was an outdoor car show that was crowded so a bunch of us parked on the shoulder of the road. Came out and yup, parking ticket. No big deal i thought.

As i pulled away, i saw a Trooper parked in the grass so i pulled along side him and asked him what i needed to do to pay the fine. He told me to go to District Court and pay the clerk on the 2nd floor. He went on to tell me that he was the one who wrote me the ticket and that he hasn't written one in, my luck! I told him "Oh well, you're just doing your job.....thanks for the info, i'll pay it this week" and i went on my way.

I went to the court to pay the fine later in the week and after i handed the clerk the ticket, he tells me he's not accepting the ticket. I ask "What do you mean?". He tells me that the Trooper filled the ticket on an old ticket base they're no longer using so the ticket will be void however, there still may be a chance that they'll re-issue a ticket at a later date. Great for the moment as i leave without paying.

well, 2 weeks later i get a "new" ticket in the mail. Now i'm pissed so i call the Trooper division and explain the situation. The lady says "We're throwing all those tickets that that Trooper wrote for that shift out. Don't worry about it". So, that's what i did...i just forgot about it.

Well, last week i was looking into some insurance for a beater car i wanted to buy in order to save a lil' on gas because my truck is killing me on gas milege. The lady asks me if my driving record is clean and i say with pride "Yup, spotless record". She then asks "What about these 2 points on your license from 07/16/07"?

WTF???? She tells me the fine was paid on 03/23/07. I said, must be a mistake.....i haven't gotten pulled over by a cop and ticketed in over 15 years. I go home and fetch the ticket and what do know...i look closely at it and the charge is "Failure to obey a traffic device". I call the Troopers back up and explain the ticket to them. They tell me that the VTL charge is the wrong one and i can't do anything about it since i admitted guilt by paying the fine. I told him i never paid the fine and that he had better run my license to make sure there's not a warrant out for my arrest. He runs it and it comes back

I give District Court a call and explain the fiasco to them. Guy tells me the VTL code is for an HOV lane, there's no HOV lane on the hwy where i got the PARKING ticket. He then tells me it's a $150 fine, plus a nice special bonus charge of $35 for my SUSPENDED LICENSE !!!!


I ask him for his name and contact number and hang up. I place a call to the Troopers again but this time ask for the particular Trooper that wrote me up. I tell him about getting a parking ticket from him and even mentioned that i talked to him about it and also about the part where he told me he hasn't written one in years. He tells me he remembers and then i hit him with "Good, because now you have to help me here". I go on to explain the whole thing to him and ask him what the VTL code is for a parking violation. Yup, he mistakenly wrote the wrong code. He apologized and told me i can seek help from him in fighting it.

Good, i call back District Court and explain everything to the guy about the wrong charge and also that the Trooper is willing to help me. Guy tells me to come down so we can lift the suspension. I go there today, pay a $35 fee to free up my license, and get a new court date. Guy goes on to tell me the judge will most likely toss the whole thing out and to ask for my $35 back.

I'll let you know in January what happens.

Fuck you Nyck, pay the lousy $50 and be done with it.

The world is my urinal
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