11-28-2007, 06:51 PM
I sometimes work in the down town Seattle area, notorious for its lack of parking, let alone free parking. Well i started a job down there and i of course scour the area for free parking since $50 - $70 a week or $180 a month is a bit steep just to show up to work, for a year or two. I find some side roads that have gaps in the signs and are perfectly legal. Then the fucking major decides he wants people to take the bus more, so he installs payed parking in all area that were free. So im stuck at metered parking for the remainder of my job since most parking garages are A: expensive, B:full from other people on the project, or C: full from people on the 205839 projects.
I since learned that meter maids are motherfucking psyhic ninjas. You could pay for the two hour maximum twice and walk out to pay the third time and bam ticket outta fuckin no where. Check the time, 3 - 5 minutes after it expired, im only late by like 7. Check the area, nothing, no signs, and no one saw them. Needless to say, by the time i left the job i owed or had paid, something like 300+ in parking fines. Sadly that is still less than it would have cost to park in a garage for the same period of time.
My favorite was when i had paid and they ticketed me anyway.